How We Fit
Your Planning Options
Comprehensive Plans
A thorough review of your current
financial situation
A discussion and understanding of your
short and long-term financial goals
The development of a plan to take you
from where you are today to where you
want to be in the future
There is a charge for the comprehensive
plan, typically involving 5-7 in-depth
Start-Up and Restart Plans
In-depth but more streamlined for those
new to planning or going through a life
change such as divorce
The development of a plan to take you
from where you are today to where you
want to be in the future
Typically involves 3-5 in-depth
Goal-Based Planning
For clients with an immediate need to
address or a significant change in their
We help clients in such areas as
retirement planning, college funding,
and insurance planning.
- Typically entails 1-3 meetings.